Continuing Education Committee

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Identify developments in the field of health physics of which CHPs should be knowledgeable.

  • Encourage continuing education programs discussing these developments.

  • Make recommendations to the Exec. Committee on the criteria for awarding CECs in the Certification renewal program.

  • Evaluate and assign CECs for programs and courses submitted

Other Duties:

  • organize 2 8-hr AAHP Continuing Education Courses at the winter HPS meeting.

  • organize 3 8-hr AAHP Continuing Education Courses at the annual HPS meeting.


  • periodically by e-mail or teleconference

Member requirements:

  • actively participate in the organization of the AAHP training sessions

  • review several batches of CEC applications per year

Information on Continuing Education Policy and Approved courses

Committee Members for 2018 (Term expires at the end of the year indicated)

Glenn Sturchio, Chair ('17)
3652 Annapolis Way
Jacksonville, FL 32224
(904) 329-4418


Keith Brown ('18)
Curt Kwasniewski ('20)
Erin Nivin ('20)
Mike Stabin ('19)
Duncan White ('20)

Committee email address: